2024 Seed Funding for a Transdisciplinary Gender Research Project

Image by Drager Meurtant on Flickr


2024 Seed Funding for a Transdisciplinary Gender Research Project: This special round of funding will support a team of researchers engaged with an innovative common theme related to gender or sexuality. We invite proposals for a transdisciplinary project with potential to address an issue of national and/or international significance.

The research team will support the conduct of original work by their members and form new collaborations among participants through activities that may include data collection, regular meetings, workshops and training articulated around a specific theme. Outputs may include publications, briefings, recorded webinars and podcasts, and applications for further funding of the project. The research results will be showcased on the Gender Institute website.


Applications open: 1 October 2024.
Applications close: 4 November 2024.


  • A research team will normally comprise 4-8 people, not all of whom need to be affiliated with ANU. We encourage international collaborations. We also encourage the involvement of Early Career Researchers, including Higher Degree Research students.
  • Research with partners at other institutions can be sponsored, but the primary applicant must be a Gender Institute member at the ANU and the majority of the research team must be from ANU.
  • We welcome applications from all academic disciplines, but especially seek to support cross-disciplinary projects involving more than one ANU College, School or Centre.
  • The transdisciplinary project should be designed in the first instance to run for 12-24 months. Preference will be given to projects that demonstrate a long-term vision for their sustainability, beyond the initial funding.

Selection criteria

  • A well-designed and innovative project with clear transdisciplinary aims, methods, and significance.
  • Feasibility within the proposed timeframe and vision for further development.
  • Planned publications and outreach.
  • Strong research record, relative to opportunity among members of research team.
  • Justified budget.
  • Ethics clearance (in process or completed)

Applications and Eligibility


ANU staff or postgraduate students who are current members of the Gender Institute can apply.

How to Apply

Please provide an outline of the project with a timeline and detailed justified budget for project delivery. Projects applied for in this round should commence in 2024-5.

  1. Download and complete Part A: Application cover sheet
  2. Download and complete all sections of Part B: Full project description
  3. Applications should include an outline of the project, its transdisciplinary aims, significance and method, the role of the researchers included in the group (up to 2 pages); planned outputs and an estimated time-frame (1 page); a justified budget (1 page); short CVs (1 page max/participant). You may also provide a statement of any factors that should be considered in ‘relative to opportunity’ evaluation (max 200 words).
  4. Submit Part A and Part B, along with any other relevant material to admin.genderinstitute@anu.edu.au. Please ensure you include "Grant Application" in the subject of your email.

Please also include:

  • Information about any other sources of funding sought or obtained.
  • Ethics clearance where relevant (in process or completed – funding is subject to clearance being obtained where required).
  • Endorsement of ANU Supervisor or College Dean or Divisional Director or (in the first instance please seek supervisor approval for your application, but if the project requires it, Director or Dean endorsement should be sought.)


Updated:  30 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute