

The Gender Institute actively promotes and supports projects which advance gender and sexuality research, and take feminist and intersectional approaches to research. We look to endorse research which aims to inform gender-related public policy and promote gender equity. 

We do this through various funding schemes. Each year, we run grants, scholarships, awards, and prizes. See each page for more information:

We also encourage our members to contact us regarding projects pertaining to gender outside of these grants, as we can often support in other ways and promote ANU gender-related events and research through our newsletter. 

New Funding Scheme: Enhancing Gender Justice through Transdisciplinary Research

These grants will sponsor Working Groups of multi-disciplinary researchers. These teams will conduct research projects with the promise to redress gender injustice in a novel, effective, and evidence-informed way, supporting advocacy and informing policy. We will fund up to six Working Group projects between 2024 and 2028. The scheme will have three rounds between 2025-2027, with all projects to be completed by 1 September 2028.

Round 1 opened on 1 October 2024 and closed on 12 March 2025.

  • Projects will run for 12-24 months and must commence within 6 months of award.
  • Applicants may request up to $80,000 AUD in Round 1.
  • Outcomes will be notified by 15 April 2025.

More information

2024 Grants - closed

Small Grants Funding

Gender Institute sponsorship under this scheme includes funding for a broad range of activities aligned with our aims including:

  • Workshops, conferences, or symposia on gender and/or sexuality
  • Workshops for postgraduate students
  • Writing workshops for early career researchers
  • Distinguished lecture and seminar by a renowned scholar
  • Gender equity research and innovative initiatives within ANU

This round of funding closed on 5 November 2024 

More information & How to apply

Signature Event Funding

This special round of funding aims at developing fresh collaborations, both across our network and with gender researchers outside ANU.

Under this category we support events such as conferences that have a public-facing aspect or are open to the participation of Gender Institute members. We have also supported public lecture or discussion series that align with our aims. The event applied for in this round should be held in 2025.

We are looking for a well-designed and innovative event with clear aims, methods, and significance; collaborations that add value to ANU gender research, and the likelihood of strong outcomes such as publications, grant applications or policy recommendations arising from project

This round of funding closed on 5 November 2024

More information & How to apply

Seed Funding for a Transdisciplinary Gender Research Project

This special round of funding will support a team of researchers engaged with an innovative common theme related to gender or sexuality. We invite proposals for a transdisciplinary project with potential to address an issue of national and/or international significance.

The research team will support the conduct of original work by their members and form new collaborations among participants through activities that may include data collection, regular meetings, workshops and training articulated around a specific theme. Outputs may include publications, briefings, recorded webinars and podcasts, and applications for further funding of the project. The research results will be showcased on the Gender Institute website.

This round of funding closed on 5 November 2024 

More information & How to apply

Updated:  17 March 2025/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute