GI Funding Opportunities Announcement - Round 2 2024 Grants *NOW OPEN*

Image by Drager Meurtant on Flickr
Friday 27 September 2024
The Gender Institute offers the opportunity for its members to apply for grants to support activities related to our mission.
In our second round of funding for 2024 we offer three categories of grants:
• Small Grants (projects up to $7,000),
• Signature Event (projects up to $15,000) and
• Seed Funding for Transdisciplinary Gender Research Projects (up to $25,000).
Round 2 is now open! The closing date for applications is 5pm 4 November 2024
There will be a third round of funding to be announced in early October for a new scheme which will support the development of Gender Institute Working Groups which are research teams with a particular focus on Enhancing Gender Justice through Transdisciplinary Research. Grants awarded under this new scheme will have a value of up to $80,000 and must broadly promote impactful research. The deadline for applications will be in January 2025.

Overview of Categories of Funding

Small Grants

Gender Institute sponsorship under this scheme includes funding for a broad range of activities aligned with our aims including:
  • Workshops, conferences, or symposia on gender and/or sexuality
  • Workshops for postgraduate students
  • Writing workshops for early career researchers
  • Distinguished lecture and seminar by a renowned scholar
  • Gender equity research and innovative initiatives within ANU

Signature Event Funding

Under this category we support events such as conferences that have a public-facing aspect or are open to the participation of Gender Institute members. We have also supported public lecture or discussion series that align with our aims. The event applied for in this round should be held in 2025.
We are looking for a well-designed and innovative event with clear aims, methods, and significance; collaborations that add value to ANU gender research, and the likelihood of strong outcomes such as publications, grant applications or policy recommendations arising from project.

Seed Funding for a Transdisciplinary Gender Research Project

This special round of funding will support a team of researchers engaged with an innovative common theme related to gender or sexuality. We invite proposals for a transdisciplinary project with potential to address an issue of national and/or international significance.
The research team will support the conduct of original work by their members and form new collaborations among participants through activities that may include data collection, regular meetings, workshops and training articulated around a specific theme. Outputs may include publications, briefings, recorded webinars and podcasts, and applications for further funding of the project. The research results will be showcased on the Gender Institute website.
Up to $25,000 can be requested to support research proposed by the working group, with work commencing in 2024-5.


In all categories, our grants scheme supports projects and events that contribute to our overall objectives to:
· Advance gender and sexuality research, and take feminist, transdisciplinary and intersectional approaches to research
· Inform gender-related public policy
· Promote gender equity through research
· Catalyse new collaborations
In allocating grants we:
· Give preference to projects with clearly described and achievable outcomes, including publications, external grant applications, reports, policy recommendations and media outputs
· Encourage both in-person and online methods of working
· Support research that develops equal and respectful relationships with marginalised and under-represented communities
We are especially keen to support:
· Events that have a public-facing aspect or are open to the participation of Gender Institute members
· New collaborations among established and early career gender researchers, or the further development of existing ones
· Projects that promote the development of connections with government and non-government organisations with commitments to gender equality


The grants scheme is only open to members of the ANU Gender Institute. Anyone with interests in gender and sexuality research, or gender equity objectives, and who is either a staff member or a Higher Degree student at ANU, can become a member of the Gender Institute by signing up to join on our website. Normally the lead applicant for a grant will be an ANU staff member, and their contract must cover the time planned to be spent on the grant. If you wish to apply as an HDR student, please ensure a collaborator on the grant is a staff member. Also please note that the aims of the Gender Institute are to catalyse and foster collaborative research and therefore in general we cannot support purely individual research projects, e.g. for PhD research or to complete an article/manuscript.


Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute