2022 Prize-winners: ANU Gender Institute Prizes for Excellence in Gender and Sexuality Research

We are delighted to announce the 2022 winners of the Gender Institute Prizes for Excellence in Gender and Sexuality Research!
Congratulations to Cinnamone, Bernadette, Simon, and Michelle for their outstanding research.
- Cinnamone Winchester, CASS - Honours Thesis
"This is the land I have been looking for all my life!”: Polysemic Narratives and Utopian Potential in C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia
- Bernadette Toohey, CoL - Master's Thesis
Pluralising Impartiality: A Feminist Agenda
- Simon Copland, CASS - PhD Thesis
Reddit, The Manosphere and The Male Complaint
- Michelle Staff, CASS - Journal Article
Encountering ‘the East’: Travel and Internationalism in Bessie Rischbieth’s Interwar Feminism
We will celebrate our prizewinners in a research showcase in May-June. Details will be announced via our newsletter and our events page.