Resources: articles and editorials

New laws will allow for sex change to be made to birth certificates

Article of interest

21 March 2014

"Applause and whoops of joy greeted the passing of new laws allowing transgender and intersex people to change their birth certificates in the ACT Assembly on Thursday." Writes Kirsten Lawson , chief Assembly reporter for The Canberra Times.

There is no "We": V-day, indigenous women and the myth of shared gender oppression


12 February 2014

Lauren Chief Elk writes about the impact of mainstream feminism on public policy and debate and the issues this can raise for indigenous communities.

Fairness to All: Gender and Sex in Scientific Reporting


04 February 2014

The editors of the major US journal Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research have published an editorial ( PDF attached below ) recommending that research needs to explicitly "reflect that we treat both men and women" and providing researchers seeking publication in the journal with the following the guidelines: Design studies that are sufficiently powered to answer research questions both for males and females (or men and women) if the health condition being studied occurs in...

Bibliometrics and the climate for women in science

Article of interest

20 January 2014

Two recent articles of interest regarding initiatives and research addressing global gender disparities in the sciences: Bibliometrics: Global gender disparities in science . Cassidy R. Sugimoto and colleagues present a bibliometric analysis confirming that gender imbalances persist in research output worldwide. CSWA Climate Site Visit Program for Astronomy Departments - Policy : CSWA to implement Climate Site Visits for astronomy departments. These site visits are modeled on the highly successful visits done by the Committee...

Leaks in the pipeline: separating demographic inertia from ongoing gender differences in academia

Article of interest

18 December 2013

Identifying the causes underlying the under-representation of women in academia is a source of ongoing concern and controversy, yet it is a critical issue in ensuring the openness and diversity of academia. In this paper, Dr. Allison Shaw and Dr. Daniel Stanton present a simple model of the academic career in which all gender differences in career transitions and retention are absent, which allows the effects of historical disparities to be separated from any ongoing...

Whispers from the Bush: Sexual Harassment in Australian Rural Workplaces

Article of interest

15 November 2013

ANU College of Law Lecturer and University of Canberra PhD Candidate Skye Saunders' research has recently recieved significant media coverage with an article in The Age newspapaer and an Interview on ABC Radio program 'Bush Telegraph'. Skye's research addresses a "cultural epidemic" of sexual harrasment in rural Australia. Access the article and the interview via the links below.

No Chicks No Excuses


12 September 2013

No Chicks No Excuses provides event organisers a starting point for securing inspirational women for conference, panel, board, think tank, article, broadcast, programme or lecture appearances. No Chicks No Excuses is the brainchild of Leslie Cannold , Jane Caro and Catherine Deveny , three women in public life who got tired of event organisers saying they couldn’t find good women speakers.


Updated:  7 November 2012/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute