Resources: articles and editorials

Hillary Clinton has one last ceiling to crack


11 June 2016

This op-ed piece from Caroline Overington at The Australian takes a recent interview with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on ABC's 730 Report as a departure point to discuss the importance and power of language. Read the full piece here: US presidential election 2016: Hillary Clinton has one last ceiling to crack

Student evaluations of teaching are unreliable and biased against female instructors

Article of interest

06 June 2016

In a blog post for the London School of Economics, Anne Boring, Kellie Ottoboni and Philip B. Stark review studies of student evaluations of teaching (SET) across countries and disciplines, finding students regularly rating female instructors lower than male instructors. The authors 'argue the findings warrant serious attention in light of increasing pressure on universities to measure teaching effectiveness.' These findings are especially significant given the weight that universities give these evaluations with regard to...

The importance women and girls in sports

Article of interest

22 March 2016

A web resource published on provides a brief of the history of women and girls in sport, primarily focused on the United States. The resource also provides a very comprehensive list of links to further resources about a range of issues for women in sport, as well as links to relevant organisations. For more information, please follow the link .

International Innovation - Women in STEM issue

Article of interest

21 December 2015

Issue 194 of International Innovation features advocacy, policy and research by women in STEM. The issue includes NHMRC, Athena SWAN, SAGE and Women in Science AUSTRALIA. The issue is now available online .

A masculine Myanmar and the vote

Article of interest

12 November 2015

This article by Gender Institute member Khin Khin Mra considers the impact of the recent elections on the male face of public life in Myanmar. Read the full article at New Mandala . Khin Khin Mra is a masters student at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, researching women’s political rights in Myanmar’s democratic transition. She is the women’s rights program manager at ActionAid Myanmar.

Spotlight on gender and sexuality

Article of interest

21 September 2015

Interview with Rowena Allen, Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality Rowena Allen is fond of using the phrase“what you see is what you get”. Calling herself “a walker between genders”, Allen goes to great pains to make others feel comfortable around her who might otherwise grapple with how to refer to her. Find out how she went from a young activist in Shepparton to becomming Victoria's first Gender and Sexuality Commissioner. Read her story

Research grants skewed towards men: UK study

Article of interest

14 September 2015

An article in The Conversation discusses a UK study which indicates that funding is still skewed towards men due to the lack of women professors. Full article below.


Updated:  7 November 2012/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute