Resources: articles and editorials

Australian research 'has a Daversity problem': Analysis shows too many men work mostly with other men

Article of interest

29 November 2017

Using social network analysis, researchers have created maps showing how Australian research funding locks women out. In this article published in ABC News, Professor Deb Verhoeven and her team created data maps of the men and women who received coveted academic grants in Australia, and who they worked with. They looked at Australian Research Council Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (ARC LIEF) grants (2008-17) and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) program grants (2003-18)...

Abusers and enablers in faculty culture

Article of interest

06 November 2017

In this article for The Chronicle of Higher Education , K.A. Amienne discusses four ways that abuse negatively affects academe and suggests that by recognising the following behaviours as abuse, we can more quickly change them at the institutional level without constantly expecting women to adapt at the individual level. Read article here .

The 'Davos' of women comes to Australia: Sydney to host Global Summit of Women

Article of interest

15 May 2017

Nassim Khadem of the Sydney Morning Herald reports that Sydney has won a global bid to host the "Davos" of women after it was backed by leading business and political leaders who want to showcase Australia as a nation striving for gender equality. The Global Summit of Women event will be held in Sydney next year. It is expected to attract more than 1000 business and government leaders from 80 countries, and inject more than...

Your guide to overcoming the ‘imposter syndrome’

Article of interest

09 May 2017

“Imposter Syndrome” - the chronic sense that we are a fake about to be exposed - occurs to 70 percent of us, and affects women in particular. In an article for Asteron Life , Dr. Meg Carbonatto explores imposter syndrome and offers solutions on how to overcome it. Read more here .

Headlines gone mad: how coverage of ANU's Eagle Rock controversy fed the outrage industry

Article of interest

25 April 2017

In an article for The Guardian , journalist and ANU student Emily Jones examines the media’s coverage of an incident at a university residential college event. The sensationalist controversy reduced women’s experiences to no more than another example of ‘political correctness gone mad’, whilst ignoring the real issue - the toxic sexist culture on university campuses. Read more here.

The Troll Slayer

Article of interest

19 March 2017

Rebecca Mead from The New Yorker writes on Cambridge's classicist Mary Beard and her exploration of the many ways that men have silenced outspoken women since the days of the ancients. Read the article here .

'Where are the feminists?': Peter Dutton insults women...because Keysar Trad insulted women

Article of interest

05 March 2017

Gender Institute member Dr Skye Saunders has published an article in the Sydney Morning Herald examining Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's claims that feminists are 'hypocrites' for not immediately criticising comments from the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils' president, Keysar Trad. In an interview, Trad had described male violence against women as a 'last resort'. He later said his comments were clumsy and clarified that violence against women was never acceptable. His comments have received widespread...


Updated:  7 November 2012/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute