'Where are the feminists?': Peter Dutton insults women...because Keysar Trad insulted women

'Where are the feminists?': Peter Dutton insults women...because Keysar Trad insulted women
Sunday 5 March 2017

Gender Institute member Dr Skye Saunders has published an article in the Sydney Morning Herald examining Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's claims that feminists are 'hypocrites' for not immediately criticising comments from the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils' president, Keysar Trad. In an interview, Trad had described male violence against women as a 'last resort'. He later said his comments were clumsy and clarified that violence against women was never acceptable. His comments have received widespread condemnation.

'Dutton exemplified hypocrisy by insulting those who stand for the very feminist beliefs he claims to advocate. While purportedly supporting Australian women, he joined the attack on feminism by directly diminishing its value by labelling feminists – in general – as "hypocrites".

A bit like mateship, feminism is not a handy tool to be inflated and deflated as might suit the conversation of the day. It is a way of living. The men on both sides of this discussion would do well to remember that.'

Read the full article here

Dr Saunders is the acting director of the Australian National University's legal workshop, in the College of Law.


Updated:  5 March 2017/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute