2017 Events


The baby out with the bathwater… disavowal and disappearance of motherhood in 20th and 21st century academic feminism

In this public talk Andrea O’Reilly will introduce Motherhood Studies providing an overview of the development of scholarship on motherhood. She will introduce her concept of “matricentric feminism”— that the topic of mothers, mothering, and motherhood is deserving of serious and sustained scholarly inquiry. As research on motherhood is highly interdisciplinary, this presentation could appeal to academics, ANU staff and students from a broad range of disciplines including Gender Studies, Art, Political Science, the Environment...

Prosecute; don't perpetrate

Ending impunity for sexual violence in armed conflict Sexual violence has always happened in times of war. These gendered crimes are often being perpetrated outside the jurisdiction of institutions willing and able to bring the perpetrators to justice. In 2014, Angelina Jolie and William Hague launched the Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative with projects to aid in the documentation and investigation of sexual violence in conflict . But the crimes are still overlooked. Sexual violence has...

Reproduction and family planning in Australia: symposium

This full day symposium asks timely questions about reproduction and family formation in Australia. New medical reproductive technologies, the transnational flow of reproductive tissues, and cross-border reproductive travel are often researched as distinct issues. The aim of this symposium is to raise questions about how aspects of reproduction might be interrogated in transdisciplinary fashion. How can understanding of reproduction and family formation be enriched and informed by teams working across ANU Colleges? The symposium will...

Reproduction and family planning in Australia: reception-keynote Catherine Waldby

An evening reception with Professor Catherine Waldby, Director of the RSSS who will delive a Keynote lecture regarding her most recent research, Reproduction and Social Order . This reception provides an opportunity for symposium participants and interested scholars to gather in a less formal atmosphere before attending sessions together the following day. Abstract: From Frankenstein and Brave New World to The Handmaid’s Tale and Orphan Black , reproduction often figures as the means to imagine...

Gender and history node discussion group - 6th session

The Gender and History group will meet at 12.30pm on Friday 17 November in Fellows Bar. At their April meeting they discussed Judith Bennett’s 1989 article ‘Feminism and History’ in which she proposed patriarchy as the central problem of women’s history. With the term ‘patriarchy’ trending ever more loudly, they will finish the year with a look at Bennett’s chapter on ‘Patriarchal Equilibrium’ from her 2007 book History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism...

Gender and history node discussion group - 5th session

The Gender and History group node will meet at 12.30pm on Friday 27 October in Fellows Bar. At this meeting Chris Wallace will lead a discussion on ‘Uneasy Juxtapositions: Situating Anti-Feminist and Ambiguously Feminist Women in Gender History and Feminist Theory’ with discussion stimulated by Newcastle University Professor Helen Berry’s work on English adventurer, archaeologist, Middle East expert and anti-suffragist Gertrude Bell (1868-1926). If you would like to join them, please email Dr Karen Downing...

BOSSY 2017 Magazine Launch

Stop by the Pop-Up on the last day of the semester for a launch event to remember! Our glorious 128-page magazine will be available in the thousands, and we will have 3000+ custom and professionally-printed stickers (in five original designs) to give away too. Some of our glorious contributors will also read their pieces live, and when that isn't happening there will be (feminist approved) tunes to soothe your souls. We will be inviting some...


Updated:  7 November 2012/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute