VIDEO - Feminist Utopias - Teresa Jopson

Teresa Jopson, PhD Candidate, Dept. of Political and Social Change, ANU, says amidst the dystopic climate in neoliberal academia scholars in various parts of the world have resisted through artistic and activist engagements. In this presentation, Jopson explores how academics as artists and activists can be effective public intellectuals, and considers the public intellectual’s individual and collective tasks. Public intellectuals need to step up their game and contribute to realising utopias through collaborative productions. Jopson suggests that feminist visions of transforming society must include transforming the ways academics create and share knowledge, to imagine a utopic world of academics as artists and activists organised in collectives to effectively address inequalities and social injustice.

Updated:  5 September 2018/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute