Sideways to the top - 10 stories of successful women that will change your thinking about careers forever

Sideways to the Top - 10 Stories of Successful Women That Will Change Your Thinking About Careers Forever by Norah Breekveldt showcases a diverse range of alternative pathways and non-conventional avenues to career success. The book covers experiences of some of Australia and New Zealand’s leading women and the issues, questions and factors they grappled with in getting to the top of their profession. These women’s experiences span the corporate world, the government sector, professional services, the not-for-profit sector, and self-employment.

Panel discussion at the launch includes:

  • Norah Breekveldt, Director, MacFarlan Lane
  • Heather Carmody, Principal Consultant, The Nous Group
  • Annwyn Godwin, Merit Protection Commissioner
  • Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou, Founder, Justitia Lawyers

Please RSVP to

Date & time

Tue 13 Aug 2013, 6–8pm


APSC training rooms, 16 Furzer Street, Phillip, ACT


Updated:  25 July 2013/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute