Reflections on gendered differences in conceptualising and contextualising COVID-19

Understandings of ‘natural’ and ‘disasters’ in the time of pandemic: Reflections on gendered differences in conceptualising and contextualising COVID-19

This presentation will consider how the notions of nature, natural and naturalness and of hazard and disaster, have been understood in the COVID-context.

COVID-19 was initially presented as an ‘equaliser’ cutting across gendered and racial differences with the potential to impact all equally. While later discredited, this idea of the hazard as being neutral and natural, not socially constructed, nevertheless continues to underpin the political discourse of many governments.

 The notion of the ‘natural disaster’ while long discredited, more generally continues to find resonance with policy makers and in political discourses of denial of responsibility. The notion of ‘the natural’ again is contested, but continues to be a powerful political and policy rhetoric particularly in relation to reinforcing gendered roles, relations and identities. This presentation reflects on the use of these notions in the conceptualisations and contextualisations of COVID-19 as a gendered experience.

Sarah Bradshaw is Professor of Gender and Sustainable Development and Head of the School of Law at Middlesex University, London. A feminist and a scholar-practitioner, her work focusses on gendered rights, poverty and poverty alleviation, and household decision making. Sarah
combines research with practice, having lobbied around World Bank policies, advocated for the inclusion of gendered rights in UN processes, and engaged in inter-governmental negotiations around international policy frameworks.
» Please register for this webinar here
This webinar is co-hosted by the Poverty and Inequality Research Centre at the Crawford School of Public Policy and the ANU Gender Institute

Date & time

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 7pm




Professor Sarah Bradshaw, Middlesex University


Updated:  12 February 2021/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute