Re Think Man Woman

In conjunction with the Street Theatre, and a number of other partners,AGA is hosting a theatre performance called "Re Think Man Woman". It's on for one night only, and we'd love it if you could join us.

We all know the difference between a manand a woman right? ...or do we? 'Re Think Man Woman' will explorethe identities and experiences of your journeys with gender: the times you'veloved the gender you are; the times you've hated it; stories of changing genderor wanting to change gender; stories of questioning, being confused, and struggling for change in a world obsessed with the question: male or female?

It provides an opportunity to share our stories, and to engage the widerCanberra community in discussions about gender, biology, identity and expression. The 'interactive' format of the performancewill provide people who want to, with an opportunity to share some of their storyas part of the performance.

Bookings required via or call 6247 1223.

Date & time

Thu 11 Oct 2012, 1pm


Street Theatre (next to the ANU)


Updated:  3 May 2013/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute