Racism and Discrimination Bystander Webinar

Join the Respectful Relationship Unit Manager Sue Webeck and experts from the MATE Bystander Program to discuss the importance of identifying and responding to racism and discrimination within our communities. Let’s talk about how you can make Bystander a VERB and make a positive impact in our community.


Dr Emily Zong has a research background in critical race theory, gender studies, and the Asian Australian community. She has done doctoral and postdoctoral work on multiculturalism in Australia and is passionate about promoting racial and gender equality. Her work advocates for the creative voice of Asian women and other minority groups in Australia. Emily has been a judge for the Australia China Council Book Award. Having experienced the challenges and rewards of cross-cultural living, she is committed to building cultural diversity excellence in Australia.

Katrina Irawati Graham is Chair and Queensland board member of Women in Film and Television (WIFT) Australia, a national advocacy body for gender parity and representation of women in the Australian screen industry. She is co-founder and board member of NOW Australia, a not for profit organization to combat sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. Katrina is a practicing filmmaker and emerging playwright. She celebrates her Indonesian-Australian heritage and champions representations of diversity.

Anoushka Dowling is a Bachelor of Behavioural Studies graduate, majoring in Psychology. She has previously worked in Human Resources for the Queensland Department of Education and Training with a focus on Employee Relations roles that enabled her to further understand and explore drivers of human behaviour. Anoushka has a passion for social justice, particularly the promotion of gender equality, the prevention of violence against women and racism and discrimination, therefore, working being the Assistant Director of the MATE program is a dream come true as it enables her to have these conversations in diverse and varied environments. Anoushka is also a facilitator of a Men’s Domestic Violence Education and Intervention Program, for the Domestic Violence Prevention Centre. The program for men convicted of domestic violence related offenses, aims to create change in the behaviour of men who use violence, by understanding their beliefs, and the consequences of violence on themselves, their partners and their children.

Please register for this event here. Once successfully registered, you will receive a link to join the webinar via email shortly before the event.

More information: Facebook event page

Date & time

Fri 15 May 2020, 11am




ANU Respectful Relationships Unit; MATE


Updated:  8 May 2020/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute