Prosecute; don't perpetrate

Ending impunity for sexual violence in armed conflict

Susan Hutchinson delivered a Ted style talk on sexual violence perpetrated by Da’esh in Syria and Iraq, the situation internationally, and how Australia can help end impunity through investigations and prosecutions. Her talk was followed by a high-level panel discussion covering the political, legal and victim perspectives on the issue. International humanitarian law is one of the key legal frameworks under which prosecution of these crimes can occur. Geoff Skillen spoke to the law and practicalities of investigating and prosecuting these crimes. While justice is an important social good, it is also driven by service to survivors. Nikki Marczak works with Yazidi survivors of Da'esh and advocates for recognition and justice. Although Australia has legislation criminalising these acts, political will is needed to ensure their implementation. Gai Brodtmann discussed the issues through a parliamentary lens.

This event was sponsored by the ANU Gender Institute and the Centre for Military and Security Law

» Follow this link to view the event video on our Facebook page

Updated:  30 November 2017/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute