Dr Kristin McGee
Position: Senior Lecturer
School and/or Centres: ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences
Email: Kristin.McGee@anu.edu.au
Researcher profile: https://researchportalplus.anu.edu.au/en/persons/kristin-mcgee
- The history of jazz within audiovisual media
- The aesthetic boundaries between jazz and/or as popular music
- The connection between dominant gender ideologies and modes of musical creativity and performance praxis
- The critical role of women in histories and current networks of jazz making and canonization
- The incorporation of intersectionality and critical race theories within the analysis of contemporary musical cultures
- Research inspired by both practice-based approaches and ecocriticism including a research project forging connections between local soundscapes, aesthetic communities, and collective musical improvisation for ecological consciousness raising in light of the climate and biodiversity crisis.