
The following are other institutions, organisations and areas whose work covers gender-related issues.

Academic institutions | Government and NGO | Community | Research projects


Academic institutions and research centres

The 50/50 by 2030 Foundation, University of Canberra

Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University

Gender in Media, Geena Davis Institute

Department of Gender & Cultural Studies, Australian National University

Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney

Department of Gender Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science

Women’s Studies, Flinders University

Women’s and Gender Studies, Monash University

Women’s and Gender Studies, University of New England

Gender, Leadership and Social Sustainability (GLASS), University of Newcastle

Gender, Sexuality and Diversity studies, La Trobe University

Gender Studies, University of Melbourne

Gender Studies, Victoria University

Gender Studies, University of Adelaide

Gender Studies, Macquarie University

Gender Studies, University of Western Australia

Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Environment, a peer reviewed project offering sophisticated methods of sex and gender analysis to stimulate the creation of gender-responsible science and technology.


Government and NGO

Australian Government Office for Women (OfW)

Australian Bureau of Statistics - Gender Indicators

Australian Human Rights Commission

UN Women

Women's Electoral Lobby (Aust)

Workplace Gender Equality Agency



1 million women (climate action campaing)

ACT Community Services Directorate: Women's Information

Australian Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (AMIRCI)

Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies

Australian Women's History Forum

Australian Women's Register

Domestic Violence Crisis Service

Guerrilla Girls

International Women's Day

International Women's Writing Guild

National Foundation for Australian Women

Sisterhood is Global Institute

The World Bank's Gender Statistics

Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI)

Women's Agenda

Women’s Centre For Health Matters

Women's eNews

Women On the Line (national community radio)

YWCA Canberra


Research projects

Australian Research Council Discovery Projects at ANU:

Mapping the Australian Women's Movement

A history of the Women’s Electoral Lobby

Gender-Focused Parliamentary Institutions Research Network

Gender and Feminism in the Social Sciences


Updated:  22 October 2020/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute