The Origin of Sex and Death

Dr Charley Lineweaver is an astrobiologist interested in the origins of multicellularity, sex and death.  Understanding the evolutionary origin of gender differences will give us insight into modern gender issues.  Dr Lineweaver will review the various forms of genetic exchange among bacteria and discuss the origin of sex in eukaryotes over two billion years ago. The divergence of germ cells from somatic cells coincides with the origin of the death of somatic cells -- our bodies die so that your genes may live.  He will review how this divergence has its origin in the micronucleus (germline) and in the macronucleus ("somatic genes") of ciliates (single-celled eukaryotes). Charley will also review the various theories about the advantages and disadvantages of sexual vs asexual reproduction.

This event is supported by the ANU Gender Institute.

Contact: Gender Institute Adminstration or call 6125 6281 (Mon- Wed)

Access: Free and open to the Public - no need to book.

Date & time

Wed 20 Nov 2013, 4–5pm


Lecture Theatre 2, Hedley Bull Centre (130), corner of Garran Road and Liversidge Street, ANU


Dr Charley Lineweaver, RSAA, RSES, ANU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Updated:  30 October 2013/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute