The Oocyte Economy: in conversation with Prof Catherine Waldby

In recent years increasing numbers of women from wealthy countries have turned to egg donation, egg freezing, and in vitro fertilization to become pregnant, especially later in life. This trend has created new ways of using, exchanging, and understanding oocytes—the reproductive cells specific to women. In The Oocyte Economy Catherine Waldby draws on 130 interviews---with scientists, clinicians, and women who have either donated or frozen their oocytes or received those of another woman---to trace how the history of human oocytes' perceived value intersects with the biological and social life of women. Demonstrating how oocytes have come to be understood as discrete and scarce biomedical objects open to valuation, management, and exchange, Waldby examines the global market for oocytes and the power dynamics between recipients and the often younger and poorer donors. With this exploration of the oocyte economy and its contemporary biopolitical significance, Waldby rethinks the relationship between fertility, gendered experience, and biomedical innovation.

Please register for the event here.

Catherine Waldby is Director of the Research School of Social Sciences at Australian National University and the author and coauthor of several books, including Clinical Labor: Tissue Donors and Research Subjects in the Global Bioeconomy, also published by Duke University Press.

Speakers, in conversation with Professor Catherine Waldby (Director, RSSS), Professor Catherine Mills (Philosophy, Monash University) and Professor Celia Roberts (Sociology, ANU), chaired by A/Prof Helen Keane (Sociology, ANU)

This lecture is hosted by the School of Sociology, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences.

Date & time

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 5–7pm


University House- The Drawing Room 1 Balmain Cres, Acton


Professor Catherine Waldby


Updated:  30 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute