Investing in Gender Equality at the Group of 20 Leaders Summit: Australia to Turkey

Sunday 5 October 2014

On 24th September diplomatic representatives, academics and business leaders from across the globe gathered at ANU to discuss gender equality issues, ahead of the 2014 G20 Leaders’ Summit in Brisbane. 

This ground-breaking forum was organised by ANU Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy academic Dr Susan Harris-Rimmer and supported by the ANU Gender Institute along with Chatham House, Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy, School of International Political & Strategic Studies, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Asia Foundation. Speakers included Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Women, Senator Michaelia Cash; Dr Jeni Klugman, Senior Advisor at the World Bank; and Fiona Jenkins, Convenor of the ANU Gender Institute.

John Hendra, UN Women Deputy executive director, spoke at the summit via a video message. Dr Rangita de Silva de Alwis, Director, Women in Public Service Project, also made her address via video, which can be viewed here. Senator Michaelia Cash's opening keynote addess can be viewed as a podcast.

The event was screened on Australia's Public Affairs Channel (APAC) and a full video is available here. A communique from the event can be found at the bottom of the page.

Read more about this exciting event here.

The program for this event can be found here.

Let's talk about gender: a video about the event can be found here.


Updated:  30 September 2020/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute