How women historians smashed the glass ceiling

Wednesday 19 October 2016

In an article for The Conversation, Anne Rees (Kathleen Fitzpatrick Junior Research Fellow, University of Sydney), reflects on the increasing numbers of women historians, with women now well represented both in publications and research funding. 

'Even so, in an age of persistent gender inequality, the feminisation of Australian history represents a rare cause for celebration. But it also provides cause for reflection. As we continue the conversation about the “craft of history in Australia,” it worth asking what this female and feminist presence means for the tales we tell about our past. And if, as Griffiths writes, history has a “daily revolutionary influence,” how can we best use this feminised scholarship to reimagine a nation in which (white) men and their stories still predominate?'

Read more here.


Updated:  19 October 2016/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute