Call for Papers - Gender, Climate and Diversity Forum

Photo by Joe Saade, UN Women
Wednesday 28 August 2024
Gender, Climate and Diversity Forum
Tuesday 24 September,
Australian National University, Canberra

Call for papers for the face-to-face forum:

Climate adaptation plans, programs and financing are being rolled out globally in places where communities are already suffering the adverse impacts of climate change. Yet do these plans and programs equitably address the needs of all individuals and promote leadership amongst marginalised groups?
Recent research has clearly demonstrated that climate change has a disproportionate impact on women and highly vulnerable populations’ food and water security (Tandon et al, 2022). In addition, when agriculture is threatened, women and vulnerable populations face disproportionate malnourishment as they go without food and try to manage depleting food systems (Khatri-Chhetri, 2020). These poor health outcomes are compounded by the higher likelihood of experiencing gender-based violence (Hayward and Ayeb-Karlsson, 2021). While these dynamics are becoming more established in scholarship (Agrawal et al 2023), there is a greater need for climate adaptation policies and programs to contend with these interrelated threats. Most climate adaptation and food and water security strategies adopt a ‘one size fits allʼ approach, failing to adjust programming for the specific needs of individuals (Pelling and Garschagen, 2019). These policies and programs frequently do not address the fact that many climate affected communities have sizeable numbers of men working as migrant labourers in distant locations and that those who remain must contend with food and water insecurity, increased disasters, agricultural degradation and poverty (Ahmed and Eklund, 2021).
In order to understand what best practices are in respect to climate justice, adaptation and financing it is crucial to examine what actions women and other marginalised groups (such as people with disabilities, the elderly, gender diverse individuals and minority ethnic groups) are taking to advocate for climate justice and equitable adaptation plans.

This call for papers welcomes submissions which present research or innovative programming on gender, climate and diversity.
Presentations will run for 15-20 minutes plus time for questions.

Please submit an abstract (up to 250 words) to Dr Annabel Dulhunty ( by Friday 6 September 2024




Updated:  30 August 2024/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute