Lessons from 2020

Join Mental Illness Education ACT (MIEACT) and the Community Resilience and Crisis Response team to unpack the impacts of 2020 with this stimulating panel discussion. Yvette Berry MLA, Minister for Women, will provide an opening address, and will be followed by a panel of Ginger Gorman, Lyndall Strazdins, Nip Wijewickrema and Helen Piggott on the challenges and lessons of 2020.  

This discussion will look at how paid and unpaid workloads have changed in 2020 and the impacts on wellbeing, particularly for women:
  • Examine the positives and challenges coming out of the current environment. 
  • Discuss how roles have changed from a range of perspectives and how we have and can respond to those changes as individuals, partners and organisations.
  • Provide strategies and resources on how to identify and respond to the shifting balance.





Date & time

Wed 02 Dec 2020, 1pm


Online event


Mental Illness Education ACT (MIEACT); ACT Government: Community Resilience and Crisis Response team


Updated:  27 November 2020/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute