Gender Confusion Masterclass

Photo: Matthew Gutmann/Harvard University

In myriad ways and countless cultural contexts across the globe, we are in an era characterized in part by fervent renegotiations around gender and sexuality. If so, what are some of the possible the implications for gender and sexuality – and for anthropology? Honours, Masters and HDR students are invited to apply to participate in a masterclass by Professor Emeritus of Anthropology Matthew Gutmann.


About Matthew Gutmann:

Matthew Gutmann is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Brown University. His books in English include The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City (1996/2006); Mainstreaming Men into Gender and Development: Debates, Reflections, and Experiences (with Sylvia Chant; 2000); The Romance of Democracy: Compliant Defiance in Mexico City (2002); Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America (ed.; 2003); Fixing Men: Sex, Birth Control and AIDS in Mexico (2007); Breaking Ranks: Iraq Veterans Speak out against the War (with Catherine Lutz; 2010); Global Latin America: Into the 21st Century (ed. with Jeffrey Lesser; 2016), and Are Men Animals? How Modern Masculinity Sells Men Short (2019). Gutmann has conducted ethnographic research in Mexico, the United States, and China, and has been a visiting professor in China, France, Mexico, Spain, and Thailand.


To apply, please reply by email to Caroline Schuster with the following information no later than COB Wednesday, 8th of March:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Department/program (eg Honours, Anthropology)
  • Any dietary requirements



Photo: Matthew Gutmann/Harvard University

Date & time

Wed 15 Mar 2023, 3.15pm


Gender Institute, National Centre for Latin American Studies


Updated:  14 March 2023/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute