Gender balance in science

The science sector continues to experience a significant gender imbalance. While appointments in universities at the early career stage are balanced, women comprise less than 20% of senior science positions. The Australian Academy of Science is leading practical action to address chronic under-representation and loss of female talent in the scientific workforce. This workshop at the Australia 2040 Forum will canvass practical actions.

Panel discussion chaired by Rose Stellino, Westpac Relationship Director. The panellists will be:

  • Dr Katherine Woodthorpe, ACE CRC
  • Lisa Annese, Diversity Council Australia
  • Professor Jennifer L Martin, Vice-President of the Asian Crystallography Association.
  • Jenni Lightowlers, FAL Lawyers

Please register for this session online.

Date & time

Wed 27 May 2015, 11am–12.30pm


The Brassey of Canberra, Belmore Gardens & Macquarie Street, Barton


Australia 2040 Forum


Updated:  27 April 2015/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute