Feminist utopias - My feminist utopia; Paradise found in the Pacific?

Jane Alver, Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, University of Canberra, argues we need greater numbers and collectivity and unity across diversity and explores this prospect by drawing on her research on Pacific feminist civil society. There are contested notions of feminism in the Pacific, and civil society is working across diversity to generate a shared vision. ‘Western’ feminists need to engage with ‘non-western’ feminisms to see evidence of the practical application of unity in diversity and intersectional feminism in practice, where identity is fluid and constructed and reconstructed through dialogue. Alver’s presentation shows evidence of such dialogue taking place within the Pacific feminist movement and redefining feminism to be inclusive and embrace its diversity. She draws on fieldwork findings from participant observation of the Inaugural Pacific Feminist Forum in Fiji in late 2016.

Updated:  18 January 2018/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute