Save the date: Symposium “Looking at Bodies, Sex and Gender in the Health and Medical Humanities” & HDR workshop

The ANU Health Humanities Network is delighted to invite you to save the date for a 1.5-day symposium. Aimed at bringing together ANU researchers and scholars from around Australia, the symposium will foreground intersections of sex and gender with medicine and health education in humanities, history, social sciences and creative arts research.
The symposium will feature a keynote address and HDR masterclass on visual medical humanities by Emer. Prof. Ludmilla Jordanova (Durham University), a roundtable,  research and teaching & learning sessions, and a showcase of “lightning talks” by ANU researchers. 
Other presenters include A/Prof Elizabeth Stephens, chair of the Australasian Health and Medical Humanities Network, Prof. Jo Winning (Monash), Prof Birgit Lang (Melbourne), Dr Jacinthe Flores (Melbourne), A/Prof Alison Moore (Western Sydney), Prof Sandra Carr (UWA) and Dr Karin Sellberg (UQ). These visitors have been kindly supported by the Research School of Humanities and the Arts.

Please consider inviting your HDRs to apply.
If you are interested in being involved (for example, giving a ‘lightning talk’), or joining a mailing list for future events, please email

Further program details and a registration link will be circulated in due course.


Date & time

Wed 05 Jun 2024, 9am – Thu 06 Jun 2024, 6pm




Katie Sutton


Updated:  2 April 2024/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute