Gender, Sexuality and Assaults on Rights in Modern Europe

Plaza de la Constitución (Málaga) Protesta Sentencia "La Manada", Wikimedia Commons

Assaults on reproductive choice, women’s rights, and gender diversity have been at the forefront of right-wing politics in contemporary Europe. Recent elections have again demonstrated the centrality of gender and sexuality to contemporary right-wing populist mobilisation.

Gender, Sexuality and Assaults on Rights in Modern Europe will gather senior scholars and early career researchers together to analyse the origins of and historical perspectives on contemporary European gender politics.

This Gender Institute Signature Event is a collaboration between the Australasian Association for European History, the ANU Centre for European Studies, the School of History (RSSS) and the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics (RSHA). We aim to situate reflection on gender and sexuality within a broader framework of European history research and foster research that shows the centrality of gender and sexuality to European history. The event will provide opportunities for HDR students to engage with theoretical developments in the fields of gender and sexuality, to mentor junior scholars working in the fields of gender and sexuality, and to forge broader networks between Australian-based HDR, ECR and more established scholars working on Europe.

Gender Institute members can register and attend free of charge. Please contact us at for the promo code

9am-10:30: Keynote by Jennifer V. Evans, Queer Kinship After Fascism
10:30-11:00: Morning Tea
11:00-12:30: Feminism and Rights
Heather Benbow, 'From Bad Faith Feminism to Feminist Foreign Policy: A History of Women and Sexual Minorities in German Intercultural Comparisons'
Jane Freeland, 'Violence against Women and the Co-optation of Women’s Rights Platforms in Germany'
Micaela Pattison, 'Colours of protest in an age of austerity: Remaking the ‘feminist colour’ for the 2018 Feminist Strike in Spain'
12:30-1:30: Lunch
1:30-3:30: Images of Gender and Sexuality
Katie Sutton and Birgit Lang 'An Ethics of Attentiveness: Photographic Portraits and Deviant Dwelling in German Queer and Trans Archives,'
Cody Davis, 'Exploring Married Soldiers Expressions of Violent Agency During the First World War'
Lisa J. Hackett, 'The Female Pilot: Managing the image of women in uniforms during the Second World
3:00-3:30: Roundtable Discussion
3:30-400: Afternoon Tea
4:00-5:30: Keynote by Jennifer N. Heuer, A Husband and a Soldier? Competing Masculinities in the age of the French Revolution and Napoleon.

Date & time

Thu 29 Jun 2023, 9am–5.30pm


RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Crescent, Acton 2601, ACT


Updated:  22 June 2023/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute