2024 Grants Program and 2025 Signature Event Funding - now closed

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Our grants scheme supports projects and events that contribute to our overall objectives to:

  • Advance gender and sexuality research, and take feminist and intersectional approaches to research;
  • Aim to inform gender-related public policy;
  • Promote gender equity through research.

In allocating grants we:

  • Give preference to projects with clearly described and achievable outcomes, including publications, external grant applications, reports, and media outputs.
  • Encourage both in-person and online methods of working.
  • Support research that develops equal and respectful relationships with marginalised and under-represented communities.

We are especially keen to support:

  • Events that have a public-facing aspect or are open to the participation of Gender Institute members
  • New collaborations among established and early career gender researchers, or the further development of existing ones.
  • Projects that promote the development of connections with government and non-government organisations with regard to gender equality are welcomed.

Please note that the aims of the Gender Institute are to catalyse and foster collaborative research and therefore in general we cannot support purely individual research projects, e.g. for PhD research or to complete an article/manuscript.  

What does funding cover?

The maximum that can be requested under the Gender Institute Grants Program is $7,000.
The maximum that can be requested for a Gender Institute Signature Event is $15,000.

We can consider funding:

  • Domestic and international travel and accommodation to support speakers at events on campus. In making decisions about the necessity and means of travel you are asked to consider potential Covid-related disruptions as well as the carbon footprint, in line with the ANU Below Zero initiative.
  • Requests for teaching relief, administrative and technical support, and research assistance to enable projects are acceptable but should be fully justified in view of the resources already available through the local area, Centre or School. Note that we will not fund data acquisition. 
  • Catering costs for events -- but please note that the expectation is that these will be kept to a minimum. In view of the environmental impacts of livestock farming and emissions, we also strongly recommend plant-based catering to reduce the carbon footprint of our events.
  • Funds for the development of web content and other online resources to be hosted on the Gender Institute website, where that facility cannot be provided by a local area.
  • Support for advancing gender equity goals at ANU, eg. a workshop delivered by external specialists.
  • Honoraria (up to $300, for those outside ANU). Support for technical access from non-ANU participants can also be funded, where appropriate, to enable remote participation in research events such as webinars hosted by ANU.

Selection Criteria

  • A well-designed and innovative project or event with clear aims, methods, and significance.
  • Collaborations that add value to ANU gender research.
  • The likelihood of publications or grant applications arising from project (where relevant).
  • Evidence of impact, outreach, and engagement (where relevant).
  • Evidence of good planning, including an effective communication strategy, feasible timeline, clear deliverables.
  • Justified budget.

Examples of previous Gender Institute sponsorship under this scheme include:

  • Workshop, conference, or symposium on gender and/or sexuality
  • Workshops for postgraduate students
  • Writing workshops for early career researchers
  • Distinguished lecture and seminar by a renowned scholar
  • Gender equity research and innovative initiatives within ANU

Applications and Eligibility


ANU staff or postgraduate students who are current members of the Gender Institute can apply. Where groups are applying a lead applicant should be identified. Projects by or including early career academics will be especially welcome.


Applications open: Thursday 28 March 2024.
Applications close: Monday 6 May 2024.

How to Apply

Please provide an outline of the project with a timeline and detailed justified budget for project delivery (see Part B: Full project description form below).

Projects applied for in this round should commence in 2024-25.

  1. Download and complete Part A: Application cover sheet
  2. Download and complete all sections of Part B: Full project description
  3. Submit Part A and Part B, along with any other relevant material to admin.genderinstitute@anu.edu.au. Please ensure you include "Grant Application" in the subject of your email.
Full project description:
In your project description, please provide a detailed justification for the funding of your project. Please refer to the selection criteria.
Please also include:
  • Information about any other sources of funding sought or obtained.
  • Ethics clearance where relevant (in process or completed – funding is subject to clearance being obtained where required).
  • Endorsement of the College Dean/Divisional Director or Supervisor.

Updated:  8 May 2024/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute