2023 GI Prizes for Excellence in Gender and Sexuality Research

Image by Alexander Grey, Unsplash
The ANU Gender Institute Prizes for Excellence in Gender and Sexuality Research are awarded annually to honour research that has made an important contribution to the fields of gender, feminist perspectives and/or sexuality by an ANU student.
The prizes are awarded under the following categories:
  • Undergraduate Honours Thesis – $500
  • PhD Thesis – $1,000
  • Masters Thesis - $500
  • Journal article published in 2023 by an ANU Higher Degree Researcher– $500

The award is available each year to any ANU student/higher degree researcher who:
(a) is a domestic or international student
(b) is enrolled in an undergraduate/postgraduate degree program
(c) has received a grade of at least 80% (HD/H1) for their Honours/Masters* thesis.
*The Masters thesis category comprises extended research undertaken toward Masters programs, whether Masters by coursework or by research. For example, eligibility in this category includes Research Papers of 10,000 words undertaken toward the Juris Doctor in the ANU College of Law.
As Masters requirements vary widely, please contact us if you have a query about eligibility. As a general rule we would expect items submitted for this prize to be (a) the major research component of the Masters degree (b) at least 10,000 words.
Selection and Constraints
A selection committee is convened by the ANU Gender Institute every year to decide the award for each category. Prize recipients are selected by sub-committees on the following basis:
  • Quality in the specialist disciplines or field (as evinced in the examiners’ reports)
  • Evidence of how far the thesis was seen to advance broader feminist theory in studies of gender and/or sexuality.
The following criteria will be taken into account in assessing the achievement of the two aims articulated above:
(a) Originality of argument in relation to extant literature
(b) Clarity in development of argument
(c) Critical use of evidence and textual materials
(d) Appropriate choice and use of methods
(e) Lucidity in writing
(f) Consistent, proper academic format of citation, bibliography as per the field
(g) The work must have been completed and examined (or published) during 2023
The ANU Gender Institute reserves the right to make no award if it considers there is no applicant of sufficient merit. The ANU Gender Institute may also vary the number of prizes if multiple winners are identified.
To apply, applicants need to do the following:
  1. Download and complete an application form (attached below)
  2. Submit this form signed and dated with the filename appended to include your initials, along with the required documents (listed below), via email to admin.genderinstitute@anu.edu.au
Required documents
  • The completed application form
  • A copy of the thesis/article
  • The supervisor's letter of support (including for Honours the numerical grades awarded by examiners, overall numerical grade for the honours year and final level of award, the percentage weight for the thesis, and how the candidate ranked in relation to the overall honours cohort in that year).
  • Examiners (or for an article referees) reports.


Applications closed on 14 February 2024. Given many people are on leave in January we recommend you progress your application with your supervisor in a timely fashion.
Please direct all enquiries to admin.genderinstitute@anu.edu.au

Updated:  16 February 2024/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute