Working with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence

In this seminar the Domestic Violence Prevention Council aims to raise awareness of the many issues that shape, support and constrain people working with men who have been using violence with women, or who are at risk of using violence. Each panellist’s experience and perspective will provide information and insight about the different contexts in which perpetrators find themselves, and explore the impact of those contexts on prospects for safety and healing for women and families, long term behaviour change for the men, and for better and quality of life outcomes – for the survivors of violence, and for the perpetrators.

This seminar is provided at no cost—afternoon tea provided.

For catering purposes please RSVP to Canberra Men’s Centre by Wednesday 19th or phone 6230 6999

For more information see the attached flyer.


Date & time

Tue 25 Nov 2014, 2–4.30pm


The Inspire Centre, Building 25, University of Canberra


Alistair Jones, Canberra Men’s Centre; Brian Waddell, AFP Family Violence Perpetrator Program; Sarah Gillett, Domestic Violence Crisis Service; Simon Port, Canberra Men's Centre; Terry Norman, Marymead Child and Family Centre


Updated:  16 February 2015/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute