A Passion for Peace work-in-progress performance

A Passion for Peace celebrates the centenary of the International Congress of Women — a peace congress held at The Hague in April/May 1915 with over 1200 women from warring and neutral countries. See the weblog for more information about this extraordinary event. Glenda Cloughley’s new community oratorio sets the story of the 1915 congress within a present day exploration of the spirit of women, the nurture of human life and our commitment to future generations. This work-in-progress performance and conversation will include premiere performances of excerpts from the work, followed by a conversation among the composer, musical director, performers and audience, about the meaning and development of the work and the Passion project overall. 

Donations toward the cost of this project would also be gratefully received (see the ‘donate’ information on the weblog).

See the attached flyer for more details.

Date & time

Tue 11 Nov 2014, 7.30pm


Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture 15 Blackall Street, Barton


Updated:  16 February 2015/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute