Women, disability and violence: Barriers to accessing justice
This project, Women, disability and violence: Creating access to justice, draws on the insights of 36 women living in New South Wales and Victoria who outlined their experiences of seeking justice and security in the context of violence that they had experienced. As part of their commitment to policyrelevant empirically grounded research, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) commissioned this research. The project was led by researchers from Monash University and People with Disability Australia (representing Disabled People’s Organisations Australia).
This research examines how these women worked to seek redress or support and the pathways and obstacles they encountered. This data has been augmented by interviews with 18 service providers from NSW and Victoria working in disability support services and advocacy organisations, domestic and family violence support services, and legal services. This is a qualitative project which limits generalisability: the aim here is to analyse the experiences these specific women have shared and work to identify patterns that emerge.
Women, disability and violence: Barriers to accessing justice: Final Report