Migrant stories: celebrating women's journeys

Initiatives For Women In Need (IWiN) is celebrating 2017 International Women’s day with an interactive session dedicated to telling the stories of migrant women in Australia and their journeys to be a part of the Australian Multicultural Society.

The event will be an afternoon tea listening to individual anecdotes of invited guest speakers coming from different countries - India, Eastern Europe, Pakistan, Tonga, Africa - about their success and struggles. Free entry, refreshments and tea/coffee will be served.

Special Attraction

A colourful Fashion Show will be presented to celebrate the vibrant multicultural facets of the ACT.

This Event is Supported By FINACT, IAAC and ACT Government

IWiN is a not for profit community organisation working for empowerment of socially and economically disadvantaged women and children

Contact IWiN via Email


Date & time

Sat 25 Mar 2017, 4.30–6pm


The Terrace, Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC), Flemington Road, Mitchell


Initiatives For Women In Need (IWiN)


Updated:  27 February 2017/Responsible Officer:  Convenor, Gender Institute/Page Contact:  Gender Institute